Many marketing experts theorize that individuals get their first impression of an institution by looking at a website. Last week, North Greenville University launched, a redesigned website representing the different organizations within the school.
Time for some Hashtagging – New page in the works is getting a makeover. See how students are using hashtags to promote it.
5 video games to look out for in 2016
Preview the six video games you don’t want to be without in 2016!
NGU�s digital media center gets a well deserved remodel
“It was a labor of love as the workers came in to complete every phase. They had such a great attitude and a sweet servant spirit as they worked.”
Fast food moving faster
Learn more about the mobile app that makes ordering your food or coffee faster.
eSports: The Next Great Spectating Sport
�It�s something that we all can relate to. It�s a game that we all can play and watch together.�