�A great opportunity to get through college and get a college education.”
Blues, boogie and brass: A deeper look at NGU jazz band
This past Monday, North Greenville students, faculty, staff and family gathered in Turner Chapel for the most anticipated and attended cultural event of the year: the jazz band concert.
Finding a cure: it takes a team
North Greenville University baseball player Bohogsian started his own non-profit organization, Team Bogo, to help Juvenille Diabetes Research Foundation raise funds for diabetes research.
Lights, Camera, Action! : Mass Communication students create short film
“It�s really about grace and caring about people and getting to know them; it�s about giving people a chance to show the beauty of their character.�
What you need to know
Videographer: Jim Smith
What you need to know about Michele Schaich
�She is a challenging teacher because she really wants us to know our material,� said senior
Kassidy Reynolds.
Vision 48 Video: Kairos, The Man Behind The Mask
Learn about the man behind NGU’s recent theatre production
The Mountain Laurel’s poetry slam went off with a bam
�It was totally spontaneous, that�s why I messed it up,� he said.
Exclusive video: NGU Tennis plays against Mars Hill on the new courts
Shot and edited by Missy Roberts.
NGU Men’s and Women’s tennis teams vs. Mars Hill. These matches were played on the campus’ brand new Vance Tennis Center.
Congressman calls for students to get off the couch
“Most college kids say, well that has nothing to do with me and my vote doesn’t make any difference and my perspective doesn’t make any difference so I�m going to go watch the Simpsons or whatever young people do and stay out of politics.�