That big glass window in the Student Center is our radio station, The Vision Radio.
Moving at the speed of life to save lives: Piedmont Women’s Center
�If a woman thinks she might be pregnant, the Women�s Center can provide that woman with a free pregnancy test and counseling. If that woman then decides to keep the child, the center will provide counseling, free ultrasounds and other services,” explained by the CEO of Piedmont Women�s center, Lenna Smith.
North Greenville welcomes canine unit on campus
Officer Farina and Stoki pose for a quick picture beside their patrol car.
Swords up! North Greenville’s new sports app
This is the front page of the Swords Up! app
Humans of NGU: Davis Lisk
In college, Davis tackles a foreign environment far from the reach of his family and friends.
Chick-fil-A coming to Travelers Rest
onstruction workers will soon break ground on a new location for Chick-fil-A in Travelers Rest.
News Briefs
Read this week’s headlines from international, national to local news stories.
Breaking down stereotypes of NGU’s majors
If you are an ODEL major they may say something along the lines of, �Oh so you slackline all the time� or if you are an English major you may hear, �So you just read books all day.�
Vision 48 News: The Mountain Laurel’s Next Volume Release
The Mountain Laurel will release their next volume this month. They will host their reveal party on Monday, April 17th. Here�s Kimberly Henry with more information.
What can we expect from President Trump on student loans?
As President Donald Trump begins his second month in office, many graduating college students are starting to ask the question: how will his administration handle student loan policy?