Vision TV Social Media Team
Clery Act: How North Greenville’s crime stats stack up
Take a look at the Clery Reports from NGU, Bob Jones and Furman.
13 haunting facts about Friday the 13th
13 facts that unravel the mystery of Friday the 13th.
Sports Briefs
In obvious agony with his left leg clutched to him, Beckham was carted off the field after going up for a catch and landing tricky back on to the field. Charger players immediately noticed Beckham�s injury and motioned over for medical attention.
Photoblog: Intramural Flag Football
North Greenville University’s intramural sports have become a big part in student life including flag football.
A day in the life of a maintenance request
Despite some weird and unusual requests, the maintenance department will still find a way to make sure the problem is taken care of.
Photo Blog: NGU invades Chick-fil-A
Chik Fil-A opens in Travelers Rest and NGU students don’t waste any time breaking the new restaurant in.
New Kid on the Block
Angela Bullard is North Greenville’s very own “New Kid on the Block”.
Photoblog: Open House
Photoblog about NGU’s open house this weekend.
Photoblog: NGU at Furman ultimate Frisbee scrimmage
North Greenville University’s Ultimate Frisbee team won its first scrimmage of the season, 13-6 against Furman Thursday evening.