Aidan Toomey, an NGU sophomore, describes his mission trips to the Dominican Republic.
The Vision 48: NGU: The School That Makes A Difference
Take a peek for more information on L.I.G.H.T. and missions.
Humans of NGU: Dillon Davis, Mission’s Heart
“This was more than just an American and a Guatemalan. . . he was more than just a mission field at that moment; at that moment, we were brothers.”
Baptist Foundation offers NGU $12,000 grant for international project
North Greenville University has been offered a $12,000 grant from the Baptist Foundation of South Carolina to assist a school in the North Africa / Middle East region.
From around the globe: meet the missionaries
Learn more about 5 missionaries on campus during missions week.
Biology students provide the Living Water to those thirsting in India
The students, led by Christina Eddy, biology professor at North Greenville University, worked in Mumbai and Pune to spread the Gospel and help improve water quality.
Christmas in Cleveland: NGU students spread the Gospel in Ohio over break
�My cup had to be filled in order to encourage the people there. Overall, it is a very desperate area for Jesus.�