By invoking Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty (the article that states how a country might exit the EU), Great Britain begins the two-year annulment process, which has been likened to, �divorce proceedings.� Over the course of the 44 year old pact between Great Britain and the current 27 other national sovereignties, Europe as a continent has passed free immigration and travel laws, brokered various treaties and trade deals between in-house nations and outside countries, and provided a form of what many refer to as, �financial stability.� Unfortunately for the EU, Great Britain no longer sees the aforementioned dealings as reason enough to stay complacent.
5 gifts to surprise your mother with on Mother’s Day
You are in college and between eating, sleeping, studying, friends and trying to hold on to the ever-fading concept of a love life or at least a decent GPA, calling mom isn�t always the priority. The good news is Mother�s day is the perfect opportunity to make up for that through gifts. So make it count.