FIFA faces ISIS threats.
ISIS, Speading across the world
The Islamic State, or ISIS, has been spreading across the world.
The Paris Attacks: Everything You Need to Know
“There needs to be a change in the hearts and minds of the people in the United States before the government will take action (against ISIS).”
OPINION: Terrorism in 2015
Midway through November, there have been over 300 reported terrorism incidents, with the most recent occurring in Beirut, Lebanon and Paris, France.
OPINION: Paris Under Siege
Although a terrible tragedy, perhaps France can unite the remainder of the world together in the form of a coalition to destroy the feared organization that ISIS has become.
OPINION: Tragedy Strikes in Beirut
An overwhelming outpouring of support has since ensued from both eastern and western cultures for the people of France, yet who is rushing to the aide and defense of Lebanon, as they too are struggling to overcome the wake of their capital city�s suicide bombings.
The Christian Struggle in the Midst of ISIS
�Christians in the area are under extreme persecution because of ISIS, and it is causing a lot of displacement.�
Saudi Arabia�s King Nepotism
One thing is sure, many countries are curious how the new king Salman will rule and who will be his allies. Everyone is hoping for a new improved relationship. For now, we will just have to wait and see.
A Call to Love: What is ISIS and what should Christians do about it?
ISIS has taken a radical and violent approach in trying to take over the Middle East and killing non-Muslims, but what do we, as Christians, do about it?