North Greenville student Carli Frady tried the Daniel diet for a week and wrote an article published in the upcoming Vision magazine about her experience.
Hot Yoga: The Ultimate Detox
Hot yoga is a way to release toxins while you sweat…focus on better breathing and mental concentration. Treat yourself after a long week of classes and let go of the load.
Scalia�s Absence on the Supreme Court Leaves Doubts as to Whether an Obama-Appointed Nomination will Clear the Senate
In life, Judge Scalia affected the U.S. on a national scale. Now in death, Scalia continues that trend, as the next appointment to the Supreme Court will have massive implications for how the country conducts itself in the future.
Warning: The Zika Virus Might be Stunting Brain Growth in Newborns
The virus can fester for up to a week before the host begins to experience the symptoms. Although the recipient only becomes ill in one out of every five cases, the virus can be unbearable in extreme cases.
8 reasons why you can eat all the chocolate you want on Valentine’s Day
Indulge your sweet tooth and feel serene as you give into the chocolate goodness.
Eating healthy on a college budget
The cafeteria does not always offer the healthiest choices and our wallets are not very promising either. So how does one eat healthy on a busy schedule and on a college budget?