Ashley Merck, The Vision Magazine graphic designer The year is 1860 and Abraham Lincoln has won the 16th presidential election as America?s first Republican candidate. It was only four years […]
Firebomb burns through political lines in N.C.
A firebomb recently destroyed the Orange County GOP office.
Why you should care that Trump won South Carolina
On Feb. 20, 2016, Donald J. Trump won the S.C. Republican primary election with 32.5 percent of the votes. Trump has received all 50 of the S.C. delegates.
�Cruz(ing)� to Victory in Iowa
All the hype and debate surrounding the 2016 presidential election season saw its first results on Monday, Feb. 1, with the Iowa caucus victory going to Sen. Ted Cruz, after pollsters had the candidate in a virtual tie with nationwide GOP poll leader, Donald Trump.
OPINION: TrusTED: Ted Cruz at North Greenville University
�If you live by the pen, you die by the pen and my pen has an eraser,� Cruz said last Friday at North Greenville University.
Who’s saying ‘Gotcha’?
Republicans won�t go down without a fight, so the network better prepare for battle.
Marco Rubio could have a shot at the primary nomination
“The once sleeper candidate is now seizing the opportunity to wake the rest of the nation up.”
The businessman America needs?
�It makes for a good election to have someone like that in the running to draw interest and to get people interested in the entire election process as a whole.”