A list of things to not do when you’re voting.
Early vs. Absentee Voting: Know the Facts Before Casting a Ballot
American citizens will cast their ballots for the next president on Nov. 8, but those unable to vote that day can still do so through either absentee or early voting.
Storify: The Internet reacts to Trump protestors at California rally
Donald Trump conducted his speech at the California Republican Convention after being escorted into the building. Trump addressed the protesters, and told the audience that it felt like he had crossed the border.
Do you know these fun facts about the Democratic candidates?
Hilary was a Republican in the 1960’s. Who knew?
Election 2016 – The race so far – a graphic story
Beat the end-of-semester blues with our Election facts, map, timeline and quiz.
Election 2016: Why our forefathers thought a limited-term presidency was important
By voting in an election, we are not only acknowledging the wisdom of our ancestors, but are in turn validating the thoughts we have for the direction we wish the nation to go.
Vision 48 Video: NGU students weigh in on SC primary candidates
NGU students give their thoughts on the SC Primary candidates.
�Cruz(ing)� to Victory in Iowa
All the hype and debate surrounding the 2016 presidential election season saw its first results on Monday, Feb. 1, with the Iowa caucus victory going to Sen. Ted Cruz, after pollsters had the candidate in a virtual tie with nationwide GOP poll leader, Donald Trump.
OPINION: Hillary Clinton�s Road to the White House is a Downward Spiral
If Clinton still hopes to lock up the Democratic nomination, then it is imperative that she turn the ship around, or else Sen. Sanders is going to walk away with it like President Obama did in 2008.