How does getting some shut eye and athletic performance go together? Find out here.

How does getting some shut eye and athletic performance go together? Find out here.
The day of an amazing athlete can look very busy. See what one athlete goes through in this comic.
Enjoying your summer break? Read how NGU athletes train year round to stay in shape for their sports.
Jacob Collins, Contributing Writer The end of the Spring semester for college students across the country means rest and relaxation, a time to recharge the batteries. However, for college athletes, […]
Chad Stratton, Staff Writer Whether it is baseball, soccer, football or even rugby, many athletes have their own formulas to have a great game. For example, it is a common […]
On Friday April 9, the women�s tennis team battled Converse college at the Vance tennis complex here at NGU. The crusaders fought hard but ultimately fell to Converse college 0-7.
Showcasing some of North Greenville�s greatest beards. It definitely was an interesting experience walking up to random guys and asking, �Can I take a photo of your face?� Here they are.
Get to know Daniel Burchette, shooting guard for the NGU Crusaders.
The first Olympic games were held in the eighth century BC by the Greeks. For centuries men would compete for days in different events such as wrestling, boxing, chariot racing, the discus and javelin throws. The different city-states would compete against one another simply for the right to represent their city-states with the coveted olive-wreath, according to Bleacher Report.
Life on North Greenville University�s Campus is busy for everyone. Exams, clubs, jobs and teams keep students and teachers on their toes. While everyone has differing schedules, the one thing that everyone has in common is food. Are there NGU students who feel like they do not have the option of eating dinner every night? Why is this, and what is NGU doing about it?