Paden Lipe, new coordinator of intramurals, promotes sports among students with the aim of achieving an inclusive and warm community to provide a space to grow physically and spiritually in Christ.
Heart of Dixie to the Palmetto State: One women’s soccer player’s road to the Ville
Click here to read about one NGU women’s soccer player’s story of hard work, determination and family who always pushed her to be her best.
Helene’s hand: A personal account of the storm
Read a personal recounting of the recent hurricane here.
Checking all the boxes: A how-to guide to voting
As the next election approaches, here is the information you need to make sure you are ready to cast your vote.
Destruction and devastation: Helene’s impact on Tigerville
Check out how Hurricane Helene impacted North Greenville University.
Strong start and high expectations for North Greenville cross country
The NGU cross country team, led by Cameron Stober, started the season with optimism after a good first race. They are focused on improvement, mental preparation and teamwork to face the upcoming challenges. Click here to read more.
Making midterms less stressful: Midnight Midterm Madness
Here’s a sneak peek of Midnight Midterm Madness, an event to eat pizza and prepare you for midterm exams held on September 29. Click here to learn more.
Women’s NGU soccer team takes on Lees-McRae College
Take a look at the women’s soccer team season startup.
Playing a new tune: Meet new music professor Robbie Collins
Meet Robbie Collins, new instructor of music theory and director of brass. He is a talented trumpeter and passionate teacher eager to join North Greenville University.
Professor John Williford: Work hard, pray hard
John Williford is retiring after 25 years of teaching at NGU. Read his story here.