Check out these plans for building and security projects in the spring of 2018.
Graphic: The history of Santa Claus
Do you ever wonder how the legend of Santa Claus came about? This infographic will tell you all about it.
A wing and a prayer
The aviation industry could be on the verge of a safety catastrophe.
Inside of Vision Media & What’s Happened
Whether you�re an NGU Mass Comm alum, family member, current student, or a part of the Vision Media community, this letter is to you:
Overview of the overlooked news
News that could have gotten a little more recognition.
Sexual assault: strength in numbers
Sexual assault and sexual harassment have been in the media abundantly lately. So much in fact that society has become numb to how big of an issue it is . The first step to coming out of this numb state is educating oneself on exactly what sexual assault and harassment are and what all these cases in the media are really about.
How to stay safe on any college campus
Installing comfort in the students who walk to class every single day will further their trust in their university of college as they obtain a degree.
Tuesday Night Truth: Should the Constituion be understood verbatim or contexually?
Should justices have the power to approve laws without literal textual support from the Constitution?
Graphic: Fun Facts about the World Series
Hunter Merck, Assistant Editor
Celebrating 30 years of the Marion Moorhead homecoming tournament
North Greenville University�s 30th Annual Marion Moorhead Homecoming Classic Golf Tournament was this past Friday, November 3. This article, in honor of the 30th anniversary of the Moorhead Homecoming Gold Classic�s 30th anniversary, entails what the tournament is all about.