Is the Clinton choice the Christian choice?

Is the Clinton choice the Christian choice?

As Believers and citizens, we have a responsibility to be involved in the important process of picking our nation�s leaders. Research, listen to others’ opinions and pray about who would be the best choice to take on the weighty authority of Commander in Chief.

Opinion: From Racism To Sexism

Opinion: From Racism To Sexism

Okay, it does not take a rocket scientist to know how the mainstream liberal media works by this time. During the Obama campaign the media made it clear that any opposition to Obama was strictly racism and could not be based on content, due to racism, racism, racism. Now they have made it very clear, Hillary Clinton is next and any opposition to Clinton is strictly based on sexism, sexism, and more sexism.

It’s about time!

It’s about time!

Photo and Graphics, Steven Goransky STEVEN GORANSKY, POLITICAL WRITER Do you like daylight saving time? Do you dislike daylight saving time? Many people are very split on this topic but there is […]

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