When we as Christians allow the world to dictate what angers us and what frightens us then we have lost control of our faith.
Review: �Mockingjay Part 2�
One should ask the question, �Is anything traditional about �The Hunger Games?��
REVIEW: 80 Days: Jules Verne with a Twist
The 3-D globe assists you as you travel and find different routes to take your master around the world, as you travel from town to town and discover new routes.
LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Benghazi political ammo indeed
The Benghazi attack was tragic, and I commend Mr. Forster for providing readers with the information, because we should know what happened in the attacks, and we should not forget those who died for our country.
OPINION: Terrorism in 2015
Midway through November, there have been over 300 reported terrorism incidents, with the most recent occurring in Beirut, Lebanon and Paris, France.
OPINION SERIES: three unsung heroes on the Carolina Panthers defensive line
His teammates said what they appreciate most about Coleman is his willingness to put his all into every game, even to the point of exhaustion.
OPINION: Democrat candidates still existent despite continued Republican attention
Clinton commands the majority of prospective Democrat voters at 56.5 percent, while Sanders holds 32.2 percent of the vote.
OPINION: Paris Under Siege
Although a terrible tragedy, perhaps France can unite the remainder of the world together in the form of a coalition to destroy the feared organization that ISIS has become.
OPINION SERIES: three unsung heroes on the Carolina Panthers defensive line
I think we can count on seeing Ealy remain an integral part of the Panthers� team due to Rivera�s ability to grow and utilize his players� strengths on and off the field.
OPINION SERIES: three unsung heroes on the Carolina Panthers defensive line
Klein has proven himself in a number of ways to be a more than capable starting linebacker.