The US-China trade war

The US-China trade war

corley wood, graphic artist Rising tensions between US and China?s president has impact on world trade economy. To see a more in-depth timeline and find out more about The US-China […]

The Turnip

The Turnip

Have you ever found yourself scrolling through social media and suddenly you come across an article with a title so outrageous that you are almost afraid to click on it? Maybe you�ve read some news stories that are so far out of the realm of belief that you thought to yourself, this has to be fake. Keep reading below to hear some of the most unbelievable tales ever told.

NGU’s 2018 fall summer camp fair

Luke Kingsbury – Staff Photographer Former NGU student and program specialist, Megan Conley, recruiting North Greenville University students for world changers. Camp Merrie-Woode?s table at NGUs 2018 summer camp recruiting […]

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