Whether it was falling up the stairs or causing an embarrassing scene in class, we all experience awkward situations. How many of these awkward situations have you endured?
Vision 48 Video: Kairos, The Man Behind The Mask
Learn about the man behind NGU’s recent theatre production
The Mountain Laurel’s poetry slam went off with a bam
�It was totally spontaneous, that�s why I messed it up,� he said.
Area corn mazes: Take time off from the rat race and adventure back to the land
Discover fall fun with local corn mazes.
Did you know? School rules everyone forgets
According to North Greenville University rules, every student is required to read the Enlightener before beginning classes. Many students, however, simply skim instead of truly reading into the specifics. We’re here to break it down for you.
5 Situations Every Commuter Can Relate To
Take a look at some of the situations that commuters experience on a regular basis.
Mac closing the gap but PC still dominates
Are you all about PCs? Or do you love the synchronicity of a Mac? Check out our list of pros and cons.
The Weekly Giggle
See the difference between the expectation and the reality of a first semester full-time student.
The Weekly Giggle
Linnea Stevens, The Vision Online Graphic Artist This week’s comic explains the frustrating wait of the last minute of the laundry cycle. The Weekly Giggle by Linnea Stevens