Vision 48 Video: Finals got you feeling discombobulated? Learn more about the word of the day
By Robert Therrell, Vision 48 News

“Mockingjay Part I”: is it worth your time?
“Overall, the film was decent. There were good parts to it that were enjoyable and the actors did a wonderful job embracing their characters, but it is not one that I would suggest people spend money to see in theaters.”

The Weekly Giggle
The Weekly Giggle

“Left Behind”: success or disappointment?
�The newest movie barely mentions the gospel and why the rapture happened. The old one accurately displayed the gospel in a way any audience can recognize,� said freshman Laura Stephens.

The Vision 48 Video: Taiko Drumming
Raw footage of Taiko Drum rehearsal

The Weekly Giggle
The Weekly Giggle

The Weekly Giggle
The woes of laundry and college . . . by Staff Artist Linnea Stevens

The Weekly Giggle
How To Dress Like A College Girl: Autumn Edition