Take a look at the Act two chapel performance.

Take a look at the Act two chapel performance.
The School of Theatre, a place where creativity and art flourishes. But did you know little kindergartners used to roam the halls? Read more here.
What shall you knoweth about magic, love and comedy? See the NGU Theatre department in action, as they perform a classic tale from Shakespeare.
Check out the school of theatre’s magical and mystical Shakespeare play coming up.
Inflatables on campus is giving students a reason to head outside.
NGU hosts outdoor concert with students favorite pop songs to ring in spring time.
Check out a few of the contestants from the NGU Got Talent competition during spring formal week.
See what happened at the NGU Ping Pong Tournament, hosted on Saturday, March 25.
Check out some of the pets that students went home to over spring break.
Check out the colorful world of Warhol on display in Greenville.