Is the Birds Aren’t Real Movement fact or fiction? You decide.
Why axe throwing should be your new hobby
Wanna gain respect and become certifiably legit? Axe throwing may just be your new thing.
Silent Sky Photoblog
Thursday November 8th was the opening night of Silent Sky. This play tells a story about a young women named Henrietta that leaves home to go pursue her love for astronomy. As the director Amy Dunlap explains it, in this story “…we are challenged to explore the tension between human ambition and family love…”
Sesame Street’s 49th Anniversary
Sesame Street debuted in 1969 to generally positive reviews, and it’s been going on ever since.
Can you ID these celebrity twins?
There are more celebrity twists in the spotlight than most people think. Can you guess who these twins are?
Celebrity twin quiz graphic
Can you guess the pair of celebrity twins based on these descriptions?
2018 People’s Choice Awards
Celebrate the People’s Choice Awards and check out some of this year’s nominations.
Facebook posts you’ll never forget
Have you ever seen a Facebook post that was so funny you almost fell out of your chair? Read these 10 short posts written or shared by NGU students. Your GPA will be a thing of the past.
NGU Swing Club: Behind the scenes
The new NGU Swing Dancing Club was recently formed by Seth King, and I interviewed him and one more student involved in the club to learn more.
NGU intramural teams brave the cold to gain some wins
On Tuesday Oct. 23, 2018, NGU students braved the cold as the played intramural sand volleyball.