This is a bar graph showing the production costs of the Star Wars Skywalker Saga movies. The movies are in chronological order based on release date.

This is a bar graph showing the production costs of the Star Wars Skywalker Saga movies. The movies are in chronological order based on release date.
The LEGO Group has been in business for nearly 100 years. How well do you know their history?
Seven women students of North Greenville University competed in Miss NGU on January 17. The night opened with a choreographed dance. The rest of the night consisted of interview questions, talent, ballgowns and awards. Kasie Thomas was crowned Miss NGU by former crown-holder Allison Life.
Here are some tips on how to train your dog since January is National Train Your Dog Month.
�There�s not so much difference in public and home-school kids. It�s more the setting that they are forced to grow in.�
Check out these cool deaf movies.
You cannot celebrate Christmas without some good treats and drinks that are only available during the holidays. Stop at your local grocery store to pick up these gems.
This story is about five books in the NGU library that are books you would not think would be in the library.
Support your local, small businesses November 30th, 2019.
The NGU improv team did an improv show right after the �Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley� production on Nov. 23, 2019. at 9:59 p.m. They did skits such as �The Dating Game� and the �Box of Death”.�