Marriage can bring a lot of changes, especially to a college student’s life. Read how this student took these changes and made the best out of it.
Humans of NGU: Joanna Beasley is the hiking librarian
Librarians can have a life full of adventure too. Read about how one of NGU’s very own makes the hike, but with a backpack at the ready.
Until every nation, tribe and tongue hears: Elianna Armstrong
From Guatemala to India, meet a student who takes her passion for Christ to the nations.
Humans of NGU: JQ Williams explains the struggles of being a college student athlete
With a move from Florida to South Carolina, meet a student athlete who takes life’s struggles and makes the best of it.
Destruction and devastation: Helene’s impact on Tigerville
Check out how Hurricane Helene impacted North Greenville University.
A chip off the old block: the Robert W. Plaster Free Enterprise Center dedication
Were you at the dedication for the new building on campus? Here are some highlights you might have missed.
NGU gone mad for March Madness? Read about how excited NGU is for college basketball
Basketball and brackets are going crazy on campus. Read about what all the madness is about at NGU.
How well do you know Easter?
Test your Easter knowledge as Spring kicks off.
Crusader red turned Cincinnati Reds- read about NGU baseball alum, John Michael Faile’s journey to signing with the Reds
Read all about NGU baseball alum, John Michael Faile signing his contract with Cininnati Reds.
Serving wins to the court- Read about NGU’s tennis teams and their season this far
The tennis teams are working hard this year and are on the road to a successful season.