Papa’s Pizzaria meets Lady and the Tramp

Papa’s Pizzaria meets Lady and the Tramp

Photo Courtesy of Moriah Faulk

Trinity Adams, News and Features Editor

Students can join CMSE for a make-your-own pizza night in the Todd Dining Hall on September 17.

Imagine walking into Todd Dining Hall and stepping into the Disney film Lady and the Tramp. You look and see candle-lit tables covered in red and white checkered tablecloths that hold a spread of toppings and sauces. You hear the sounds of instrumental Italian music. You look behind the stir-fry counter, and you see people in tall chef’s hats. You made it to make your own pizza night. 

CMSE will be holding its third make-your-own-pizza night in Todd Dining Hall on September 17, starting at 9 p.m. During this event, students will have a chance to partner up with a friend to design and eat their own Italian creations.

“How it will work is two people will share a pizza, but you can make two different sides of the pizza because your pizza is completely customizable,” explained student events coordinator Leilani Nelson. 

The dough is provided by the dining hall. There are now gluten-free options for the dough, and there will be several toppings and sauces for participants to choose from and enjoy with the person that they share a pizza with. There will be 50 pizza doughs, so students will be sharing with whomever they sign up with or happen to run into at the event. 

“It’s just an opportunity for students to do something fun, have a late-night snack and have an Italian time,” Nelson said. 

Bailey Davidson, a junior at NGU, recalled her time at the event as fun and a great creative event for students in the middle of the week. It is a great way to take a study break and hang out with friends. 

“It was honestly just a good time to hang out with friends and make really good food. Last year I made my pizza with a friend, and it was just a simple pizza, but we also made the other half of our pizza for a friend with different meats and toppings that he wanted,” Davidson explained.

Like most campus events, members of the Student Leadership Team help staff these events as a way to help serve the student body. Davidson recalled that watching her friends cook the pizza was one of her favorite memories, and she can’t wait for the event this year.  

Abby Hepner, a junior at NGU, recalls her time at the event as a great place to connect and hang out with friends.

“Me and my friend split the pizza so we both got to put whatever we wanted on it. I remember there was a lot of toppings and a lot of variety and that was really nice,” Hepner said. 

She recalled the rest of the night as being a great chance to catch up with friends and a great atmosphere to talk and hang out. She also mentioned that even though there were a lot of people there, the lines were efficient and moved quickly.

There are a total of 100 spots open for this event, so be sure to sign up through the link in the NGU Student Life link tree. Spots are limited, so sign up soon.

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