Professor Spotlight: Cailyn Lee
Treasure Hardwick, Staff Writer
Cailyn Lee, math professor at North Greenville University, combines her love for teaching with her passion for connecting with her students. Known for her “coffee ministry,” Lee’s office has become a place where students gather, not just to solve math problems but to build meaningful relationships one cup at a time.
Lee has spent her whole life in the upstate. She attended Burns High School, where she graduated in 2015. After graduation, she enrolled at NGU as an English education major. She always loved middle schoolers and resolved to be a teacher for this age group.
During her first semester at NGU, she took a math class and excelled in the subject. She had always done well in her math classes, but she never particularly wanted to teach it. But her college class led her to change her major to math education.
She explained that even though being a math major was challenging at times, she had a great advisor who encouraged her to stick math. Her advisor happened to be Kerry Rivan, another math professor at NGU. To this day, the two are dear friends. They spend a lot of time outside of school together, including vacations.
Lee reminisced about a moment during her time as a student at NGU that left an impression on her. She was in an early morning physics class, and most of the students were falling asleep during the lecture. Spontaneously, the professor paused and asked each student if they liked coffee and why.
Lee explained that this simple moment made her realize the special atmosphere at NGU. It was in this moment that she knew she wanted to become a teacher who connects with students in the same thoughtful way.
After graduating from NGU, Lee went on to get her masters in math education from Western Governors University.
After getting her masters, she taught Algebra 1, Algebra 2 and geometry at Greer High School. She learned many lessons about teaching, but ultimately realized that she wanted to teach college students.
Lee explained that at first, she was reluctant to return to NGU as a professor, but she knew that God was calling her back.
“I’ve always loved the atmosphere here at NGU, and I really feel like God led me back to this place. Teaching here is a privilege, and even though I wasn’t sure if I was qualified at first, I’ve seen His hand in how things have unfolded,” said Lee.
At NGU, Lee teaches Algebra and contemporary mathematics. She explained that she teaches mostly humanities majors who don’t have any particular interest in math. But she loves to find ways to make the subject come alive to them.
“Math may not always be their favorite subject, but it’s so rewarding to connect with them and see them grow. I also love to see the way their brains work, and to see them understand math,” she said.
Although Lee loves teaching math, her favorite part of being a professor is the relationships she gets to build with her students. Every class period, she intentionally emphasizes her availability to them.
She enjoys regularly chatting with students during her office hours, especially over a cup of coffee. In fact, her office is notoriously known as the “coffee ministry.” The shelves in her office are lined with every coffee flavor imaginable, and she offers her students a cup anytime they come by.
Lee explained that the “coffee ministry” wasn’t something she planned, but rather something that grew over time. When she first began teaching, students would stop by her office to chat, seek advice and grab a cup of coffee. Before long, her office earned the nickname and became a place where students found community.
Just as her students value her teaching and encouragement, Lee finds joy in getting to know them. She explained that meaningful conversations she has with students is what gets her through long days, whether it’s a quick chat or a deep conversation.
Aside from teaching math at NGU, Lee loves to play the guitar and piano, as well as sing. She leads worship at her church and loves to write music as a way to connect with God.
She also loves to read, especially fiction such as C.S. Lewis’s “The Chronical of Narnia” or J.K Rowling’s “Harry Potter.”
If she is not reading or making music, you can find Lee at a coffee shop. She is an avid coffee drinker, usually drinking around 12-14 cups per week. Her favorite coffee shop in Greenville is Mochas Mug in Inman.
Lee is a planner and is always looking forward to her next trip. She loves traveling and usually explores new places during school breaks. Recently, she visited Canada and New York.
In addition to her planning skills, Lee has an eye for organization. She shared that if your house or life is in disarray, she’s the person to call. Whether it’s tidying up a space or helping organize a hectic schedule, Lee thrives in bringing structure to any situation.