Humans of NGU: The art of food and fellowship
Avery Plummer, Contributing Writer
Twenty-year-old Luke Culbreth is someone you will never catch sitting at home. He is constantly on the move doing something whether it is spending time with some tight-nit buddies or going out to eat.
Food is a major part of who Culbreth is. If there is a restaurant in town, he has been there. He will give you three-page review essay on the place if you ask him how it was. One of his favorite restaurants to visit is Wade’s Southern Cooking in Spartanburg, S.C. He recommends it to everyone.
Along with food, Culbreth loves some strikes, spares and shenanigans. Any time he has some free time and wants to hang out with some friends you can find him at the bowling alley. His best game of bowling was last year when he bowled a score of 209.
If he is not at the bowling alley, he watches his favorite sports teams win games. From when he was a little kid, he has always been a die-hard South Carolina Gamecocks fan and Atlanta Braves fan. One of his favorite memories as a kid was going to South Carolina football games with his dad and waving the towel during the song Sandstorm after every touchdown.
Culbreth is constantly living a busy life, and there is never a moment when he is not hanging out with friends and doing the things he loves.
“There is only one thing that comes before me hanging out with my friends and eating and that is going to church and worshiping the God who lives,” said Culbreth. His salvation is the core foundation of what makes him who he is. Every day he is striving his hardest to walk in the image of Christ.
Culbreth said, “I am not who I am without Christ. He has brought me out of the darkest moments of my life.”
Having this foundation built around Christ changes and affects every decision he makes and his ethics and calls him to be different from the world.
Someone who had a huge factor in the way he carries himself in this way is watching his grandpa’s Christian walk and the touching way he loved everyone around him with the biggest smile across his face.
If there could be one thing Culbreth would want to be remembered by it would be his loyalty to his friends, family and most importantly to the one who lives forever.