Saturating every corner of campus with the Gospel: Fount A-Teams
Riley Belle Kinard, Visual Arts Editor
NGU’s Baptist Collegiate Ministry, also known as Fount, recently launched “A-teams.” Their goal is to spread the Gospel all over the campus. At the end of Fount each week, students gather in groups to pray for a variety of student groups on campus.

Fount meets each week at 7:17 p.m. After opening with a warm welcome and announcements, each service begins with worship from the Fount Collective band. Band members, Jaden Storay, junior worship studies major, and Savannah Yopp, senior strategic communication major, lead students in worship through song before the sermon.

You can find Connor Graves preaching each week, typically following a three to four week sermon series. His hope for A-Teams is to “saturate every corner of campus with the Gospel.”

After Conner finished his sermon, team leaders stood around Hamlin Recital Hall, where Fount is held. Team leaders held signs of different groups on campus, including every sports team and commuters.
Connor said, “We are going to pray, strategize and encourage each other and then the rest of the week, we are going to leverage our schedules to live intentionally.”

Team leaders take a few minutes to explain what A-Teams are and groups organize a plan how to intentionally spread the Gospel around campus while also developing relationships.

Closing out A-Teams planning, students covered their specific groups in prayer.