Vintage values and visionary vendors: NGU’s first flea market to showcase student entrepreneurs
Photo curtesy of Abi Thompson
Carolyn Christopher, Staff Writer
On Thursday, Nov. 21, 2024, North Greenville University will have its first flea market. The market will take place between 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. on the Stud Field. Abi Thompson, freshman communication major, has planned and promoted the event, and she will soon host and vend at it as well.
The flea market is open to all to browse and shop as they please. Any current NGU students who wish to promote their small business or sell their items may sign up for free.
Thompson began planning the market when a group of students who actively resell items pitched the idea to her and asked if she could make it happen. Thompson herself is a vintage reseller with a passion for growing small businesses.
“The more research I did, the more I realized that NGU has a lot of small businesses and a lot of people who need the opportunity to get their name out there,” Thompson said. “I saw something that I could help people do with my skill set and I wanted to help.”
The flea market is a fall event where students can socialize, build community and experience the creativity of NGU students. Many students take advantage of their time in college to expand their skill set, utilizing the community and encouragement to learn new things. The flea market will be an opportunity for students to market themselves, gain experience and provide for others.
“The businesses that this event will cater to is more of a reselling and a handmaking business . . . or dorm garage sales is another form of booth that will be there. [That means] people selling things out of their dorm that they no longer use but other people might need to use,” Thompson said.
Some of the personal businesses NGU students run produce products like crocheted pieces, key chains, t-shirts and resold items such as bags and clothes.
“I, myself, am a vintage reseller,” Thompson said, “so I curate items that I want to find better homes for . . . In the past I have been a leather reseller, where I go and find leather items, pick them up, clean them and send them out across the United States to new homes.”
Thompson reports a vast variety of booths will be at the market, the items being sold ranging in price.
“With flea markets you’re going to have a variety of sellers as well as a variety of prices,” Thompson said.
Among the many booths at the market, a small business, Darci’s Dorm Coffee, will be there. Darci Joy McDougal, junior health science major, normally makes and sells coffee out of her dorm, taking orders via her Instagram (@darcisdormcoffee). She will be setting up at the flea market to hand out coffee to regular and new customers.
McDougal is motivated to spread joy, smiles and caffeine to everyone. She has taken the opportunity of being on a college campus to do just that. She hopes to one day start her own coffee shop, utilizing her position as a student to perfect her talents.
“There truly is an art to coffee making and I adore creating it . . . Being able to provide good coffee at a low price for my fellow college students is so fulfilling,” McDougal said.
The flea market is a way for McDougal to showcase her talents and reach a broader customer base. Both she and Thompson are eager for feedback on their products and the market as a whole.
“I am super excited for this event,” McDougal said. “I’m very excited to see what crafts and art will also show up at the flea market.”
Thompson, McDougal and all the vendors are eager to provide students with their items and a great experience. Thompson’s most interesting item in her stock right now is a Corvette tote bag, which will be out for sale at the flea market. She and the other vendors are focusing on displaying products that are both appealing and reasonable for students.
“We’re trying to stick with college affordability. I do know that other resellers who are planning on being at this event will be selling tons of cool t-shirts and men’s wear, as well as athletic clothing. So, just about something for everyone,” Thompson said.