Blazing our own trail with a new NGU mascot
Feature photo courtesy of NGU Athletics
Riley Belle Kinard, Visual Arts Editor
On April 29, North Greenville University revealed the new Trailblazer mascot to students and faculty. The 2024-2025 school year has begun, and it is the first semester students are officially Trailblazers. After being NGU Crusaders for nearly 23 years, this change has brought about many emotions for alumni as well as students on campus.

Ally Ball, sophomore health science major, prefers being the Crusaders because they are fierce and courageous, but she understands why they had to make the change to Trailblazers.

Austin Simpkins, senior health science major, is not too opposed to the change since he is a transfer student. He thinks that it was such a drastic change going from a crusader to now a fox.

Michaela Dean, senior business management major, said that she prefers being the Crusaders to stick to tradition.
“As a freshman, I came in as a Crusader. I feel like I will always feel like a Crusader, not a Trailblazer,” she said.
She loves how the new logo looks, but she would like to finish her time at NGU like she started as a Crusader.

Ian Johns, freshman biology major, genuinely likes both the Crusaders and Trailblazers. He says that if he had to choose, he thinks he likes the style and look of the fox more so than the crusader.

Isabella Ortiz, sophomore health science major, enjoyed being a Crusader more than a Trailblazer because of how resilient a Crusader is.

Aubrey Merryman, sophomore accounting major, likes the new mascot because it produces the correct feeling a mascot should such as intimidation and pride.
Merryman said, “It looks really good, and it is different from all the schools in the state. The look that the fox is snarling adds to the intimidation point, and it looks super cool.”

Leo Jiang, junior interdisciplinary studies major, is fond of the new Trailblazer slogan “create your own path.” Even though it was a big change going from a crusader to a fox for Jiang, he likes having a fox as the new mascot.

Zack Beaver, senior music major, adapted to the Crusader life after being one for five years now. He has plenty of Crusader merch, but he does however love the change to Trailblazer for its background in Travelers Rest.

Lydia Gray, freshman business management major, said that she definitely had mixed emotions when she heard of the new mascot change a few months ago since she had already gotten used to Crusaders. After having been a student at NGU now for a few weeks, she has enjoyed being a Trailblazer.
Gray said, “It’s nice to be the first class at NGU with the ‘blaze new trails’ motif.”
She really is embracing the change.

Maggie Pennell, junior accounting major, believes that the switch to Trailblazers sets the stage for where North Greenville is headed in the future. She is excited to see the positive change.
Pennell said, “Although Crusaders is a sentimental part to my college career at North Greenville, I am glad to see how our school is preparing the next generation to blaze their own trails and to share the gospel with the nations.”