Anytime is a good time for coffee: NGU’s coffeehouse night

Anytime is a good time for coffee: NGU’s coffeehouse night

Photos taken by the Riley Belle Kinard

Riley Belle Kinard, Staff Photographer

Students gathered for the first coffeehouse of the spring semester on March 21, 2024. Coffee and donuts were provided to enjoy while watching the talents of friends.

Students fix the perfect cup of coffee to drink while they sit back and listen to the music.

Performers practice and warm up while waiting for the event to start.

Students enjoy playing sand volleyball with their friends while listening to music coming from their fellow classmates.

Evan Helms, sophomore youth ministry major Kason Atkinson, freshman youth ministry major, Will Shaw, sophomore youth ministry major, Sebastian Seigler freshman Spanish major and Zach Wilson freshman, history major wait for coffeehouse to start.

Evan Bradford, freshman, digital media major, makes the crowd laugh with his comedy act and funny stories.

Friends enjoy catching up and hanging out in between each performance.

Hope Mirabella and Hannah Grace Pearce, Freshman, biology majors, perform a duet to their favorite song in honor of one of their friends at coffeehouse.

Giorgi Hunte, senior elementary education major and Samantha Meyeres, Freshman digital media major sit together enjoys listening to the performances.

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