Have a ball and go to spring formal

Have a ball and go to spring formal

Feature photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Photos by Caroline McNeely.

Caroline McNeely, Visual Arts Editor

Why should students go to spring formal 2024? North Greenville University students answer this question for other students know what the best part of spring formal is and why they should plan to go this spring on April 12, 2024.

Blake Petteway, junior English major, says that spring formal is, “a unique opportunity to connect with new people and enjoy a diverse student population coming together.”

Trinity Adams, junior digital media major, encourages students to go to spring formal because it is a great place to have fun with friends and give your mind a break from the stress of the semester. Adams said, “And you get to dress up, who doesn’t want to dress up?”

Seth Pracht, junior business management major, says that students should go to spring formal because there is typically not a lot happening on campus on the weekends as people frequently travel home. Pracht said, “spring formal is a good time for everybody to come together and have a good time.”

Kara Patterson, junior social studies education major, said, “Spring formal is a great way to end the school year. You are able to dress up and have dinner with your friends.”

Canaan Billingsley, senior interdisciplinary studies, said, “I made a lot of good friends at last year’s spring formal, and it was a good time. College is all about making memories, so students should go.”

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