Knitting, train rides and a Christmas tree: Get ready for Ballyhoo with the Freitags
Seth Atkins, Social Media Coordinator
The North Greenville University theatre department produces their second show of the school year with “The Last Night Of Ballyhoo“. This family-based show depicts the unique relationships in the Freitag family and how their dynamics progress throughout the show. The play is filled with different kinds of love, masterful planning and steaming emotions. Just to receive a peek into all that this show has to offer, below are photos from the production itself.

Freshman Anslee Johnson, as Reba Freitag, and Rebecca Panagiotacos, as Boo Levy, listens to Sophomore Jenna Hansard, as Lala Levy. Lala explains her desire to write a book while she decorates the Christmas tree.

Sophomore Sadie Beaumont, as Sunny Freitag, and Thompson plays cards during a family discussion. Sunny just arrived home from college for Christmas break and now spends time with her uncle Adolph.

Staff Dylan Thompson, as Adolph Freitag, and Panagiotacos argue over the different family dynamic relationships. Boo is angry at Adolph for not treating her daughter the same as Reba’s daughter.

Senior Elijah Scott, as Joe Farkas, comes into the Freitag home as a new employee for Adolph. Boo, stands over him, as she expresses her dislike that he is there.

Reba (Johnson), and Sunny (Beaumont), relax on the couch. This mother and daughter duo enjoys their favorite pastime. Reba’s is knitting and Sunny’s is reading.

Hansard, as Lala, talks on the landline phone to her possible date to Ballyhoo, Peachy. Peachy lives in Louisiana and Lala lives in Atlanta. Lala hopes Peachy will come to ask to take her to the Ballyhoo dance.

Hansard and Sophomore Chappie Stanley, as Peachy, finally meet in person. After Peachy jokes with Lala, he asks Lala to go to Ballyhoo with him.

With all the events happening around him, Thompson as Adolph, naps while reading his newspaper. Adolph just got home from a day of work, and he just finished a full-course meal, so that calls for a nap.

Joe (Scott) and Peachy (Stanley), anxiously react to their dates coming down the stairs into the family living room in their Ballyhoo dresses.

Ballyhoo has come, and the two couples are ready to dance the night away. Lala pleads with her cousin Sunny to go to the restroom with her. This will soon leave the two boys alone where Joe finds out information that makes him leave the dance.

Even through the hard trials, Joe and Sunny find that their love is stronger than a small argument. On this train car, Scott and Beaumont share a special moment as the play comes to a curtain.