Family weekend at North Greenville University
Caroline McNeely, Visual Arts Editor
North Greenville University hosts a family weekend for students’ families to join them in a couple of fun events on campus. Check out the family weekend snapshots from Saturday, September 30.

The family weekend tailgate, right outside of Younts Stadium, hosts a large crowd before the NGU football game. Families gather to enjoy a pasta dinner together.

Katie Keller, junior accounting major, enjoys the fun atmosphere at the tailgate with her family as they play a competitive game of cornhole together.

It is all smiles and full plates at the family weekend tailgate. Mark Hall, junior interdisciplinary studies major, and Selah Chambers, junior psychology major, sit together with family.

There is more than just great food, there is great company. President Gene Fant introduces himself and mingles with families around the tailgate to welcome them to NGU.

Music, outdoor games, dinner, gift bags and picnic blankets to enjoy the beautiful weather makes up for a great family weekend tailgate. It’s hard to miss the big and red blow-up noodle man welcoming families to the party.

Mary Claire, sophomore interdisciplinary studies major, shows her parents around the family tailgate in their matching “Tigerville” shirts for family weekend.

Wyatt Brooks, freshman psychology major, gathers with all of his siblings and his parents at the family tailgate for the fun and food before the game.

After families spend a weekend with their student, they cheer on the NGU football team, band and cheerleaders for the big game.