Fall break with furry friends
Sadie Beaumont, Staff Writer

Pam the chicken poses with her favorite person, freshman Rachel Forester. Forester owns three other chickens that look just like her – all named Pam.

Sophomore Daniel Johnson is the proud owner of this beautiful bearded dragon, Drax. Drax enjoys spending his days basking under his heat lamp and snoozing in his “hide.”

Benjie the Havanese and his bestie, sophomore Chappie Livdahl. Livdahl and his family refer to their “fluffy puppy” as a “therapy fluppy,” who actually acts more like a cat than a dog.

Sophomore Madison Kavanaugh snuggles with the newest addition to her family, Enzo the German Shepherd. Enzo’s favorite toy is his octopus, which he loves napping with under his chin.

Camo gives a big smile with his owner, junior Morgan Martin. He is a Doberman and lab mix, and his favorite snack are car bumpers.

This elegant black cat may look familiar – the “campus cat” spends the weekend with sophomore Liam Riley while looking for a forever home. She is known around NGU as “Salem,” “Toothless,” “Lia” and more.