Hey NGU, what’s new?
Andrew Davidson, Staff Writer
Summer is over, classes are back in session and campus is looking a little different than we remember. The North Greenville campus is always changing, and many projects are still under way. Whether it be classes, dorms or parking lots, NGU has received some upgrades.
As most people know, the admin building has been under development since November of 2022 and is still ongoing. Students and faculty have been able to watch as it was demolished and gutted. As we enter the 2023/24 year, it is beginning to take shape.
Billy Watson, vice president of student life, says it could be in use as soon as spring of 2024.
“When I say use it, I don’t know if it will be classrooms or offices or all of it, but some aspects of it will get use in the spring,” Watson said.
According to an article written by Billy Cannada in June of this year, the building will have many uses. It will house the college of business and entrepreneurship, which has been temporarily relocated to the theater department.
Standing at the highest point on campus, the glass building will be a centerpiece for the school according to Watson.
For information and photos about the $9.7 million production, you can visit Donnan-COBE Capital Campaign.
Another huge development from over the summer was new turf being installed at the football field. The color of the endzones are now red with lettering spanning across the entire area. The yard and out of bounds markers were relined, and there is a new design in the center.
“I think the players appreciate it and the fans will appreciate it as well. Even as the other one looked good when it was new, this one looks so much better brand new,” Watson said.
All outdoor athletic complexes have also made the same development.
“It makes the fields more versatile when it comes to weather conditions like rain. Before if it rained, it could affect tomorrow’s game, whereas now as soon as it stops raining, they can get right back to playing,” Watson said.
Some housing upgrades were implemented as well. The Chinquapin houses received new furniture and five Crusader Court units were completely updated on the inside.
The Crusader Court units have only ever been repainted and maintained since their construction but not redone until this year.
Another major development from the summer semester was the repaving of the parking lot outside of Hayes gymnasium. It had never repaved until now.
“All the cracks were filled, and it was relined so it looks much better than it did. I do not know the specific number off the top of my head, but they relined it to fit a few more cars into the lot as well,” Watson said.
Future upgrades to the campus are in the works. The Hamlin building and piano labs are next on the agenda. There is no set date as to when those may begin.
Watson has a few developments that he is working on scheduling for the next year or two.
“A project I am working on right now is getting some upgrades in the classrooms. Updating the desks and chairs and tables. It will be over a long period of time though, because to do it all at once would be a huge undertaking,” Watson said.