The life of pets: Spring break edition

The life of pets: Spring break edition

Caroline McNeely, Staff Photographer

Jared Stephens, sophomore at North Greenville, spent spring break with his two puppies, Chloe and Abby. A fun fact about them is that Chloe uses a doorbell in order to go outside, and Abby is the oldest one being 14-years-old.
Julia Babun, sophomore, enjoys her restful break at home with her pal Daisy who is a labrador retriever. According to Babun, labradors are known for loving to jump into pools and having a lot of energy, but Daisy in the complete opposite. She has more of a cat personality.
Ty Horton, freshman, spends time with his two pets, Sadie and Piper. Sadie is Piper’s mom, and both pets love to hunt with Horton.
Megan Griggs, sophomore, tends to her pet, Methuselah, who is named after the oldest person in the bible as Griggs hopes he will live a long time.
Caroline McNeely, sophomore, takes advantage of her time at home with Moses who an irish setter and doodle mix. Moses loves belly rubs and playing chase around the house.
Hope Sneller, sophomore, loves the extra time at home during spring break with the newest addition to her family, Casper, who loves laying in the sun.
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