Lights. Games. Chaos.
Andrew Davidson, Staff Writer
At every North Greenville University’s improv show, engagement and laughter is encouraged, but chaos is most certainly required. NGU’s improv team, Required Chaos, is back in business this semester with more fun and games than ever.
At every improv show, the required chaos team creates a story through games and scenarios given by the audience. Although the show and games are outlined, the characters and scenarios are completely unscripted.
The team is captained by Lydia Kytle, a senior theatre major, and Logan Stewart, a sophomore theatre major. Kytle has been on the team for the past four years since reluctantly joining her freshman year.
“I haven’t wanted to leave since joining. I tell people all the time: even if you think you are bad or it is something you aren’t interested in, come audition anyway. We play games. It’s fun,” said Kytle.
The best part about improv has been the team and relationships built from it according to Kytle
“Pretty much everyone on the team I didn’t know until they auditioned for the team, and now I can see them as my best friends. I like the community and camaraderie that it builds in a really wholesome and fun way,” said Kytle.
Stewart agrees when asked the same question, and adds, “You get to know everyone well very quickly because everyone is saying what is on their minds.”
According to Kytle and Stewart, Required Chaos will be implementing a couple new changes this semester.
“One of our big goals for this semester is to introduce more long form improv. A more constant goal we have had is including the audience and finding out what best caters to them,” said Kytle.
Required Chaos’ next show will be held Thursday, February 2. The show will be in Hamlin Recital Hall at 9:24 P.M. The schedule for all future shows this semester have been posted on the Required Chaos Instagram page. Go support NGU’s very own improv team.
Photo courtesy of Seth Atkins