Humans of NGU: Noah Lay
Natalie Thompson, Contributing Writer
Noah Lay a student, football player and above all vintage enthusiast.
In addition to being a student and football player, Noah Lay is an avid vintage collector. Lay’s interest in vintage clothing was inspired by his attraction to tennis shoes. He noticed that a lot of tennis shoes have vintage clothes to go with them. Lay said “In my junior year of high school was when my interest in vintage clothing began.”
He began to search for these older clothing items and noticed how expensive they were, so he discovered that by thrifting he could get these vintage items for cheaper. Noah quickly hit the jackpot with countless vintage finds through his thrift shopping journey. Lay said “Most of the vintage items I have found were at local estate sales, flea markets, Goodwill, Salvation Army, and the Boys and Girls Camp thrift store.”
His favorite vintage clothing items are shirts with cartoon graphics on them. Lay said “My favorite vintage items have original graphics like the Looney Tunes, Rugrats and original Disney movie designs like Monsters Inc. and Toy Story.”
Lay’s journey in thrifting did not just stop at finding clothes for himself. He started to find posters as well. Lay began to resell the vintage items for what they are worth. He chose to make his resales cheaper than other vendors, so it is more affordable and profits the value of the item.
Lay promotes his sales through Instagram and selling at vintage clothing meetups. Lay also says “My friends are so helpful when I promote the vintage items on my Instagram because they share them with their mutual friends and reshare my posts on their feed.”