A broke college student’s guide for Halloween costumes

A broke college student’s guide for Halloween costumes

Hannah Foos, Staff Writer

As the season approaches, I think it’s best we start brainstorming Halloween costumes. Halloween has always been a fan favorite, whether you’re 6 years old, or 25. Halloween should be a fun, care-free day for everyone to enjoy. With that being said, you don’t need to put a hole in your wallet just to have a little fun. 

When it comes to Halloween costumes, there are many different ideas that conform to your own personal style. You can choose from celebrities, movie characters and even simple costumes like a dancer, painter, sports player or even random funny costumes. 

There are tv shows like Stranger Things, Breaking Bad, Outer Banks, The Office or That 70’s Show. These are great for friends or couples who want matching Halloween costumes. If you’re not one for tv shows, there are many other celebrities to choose from as well.

As we all know, Halloween costume sets are overly expensive. Making your own costume is cheaper and overall can even be more fun and creative. Here are a few ways you can create your own Halloween costume this year without breaking your bank. 

1. Regina George

To make this costume from the movie Mean Girls, all you need is a purple tank top, a white tank top and a black skirt. 

With this being a fairly easy costume to make, all you need to do is cut out two holes beside each other in the front of the tank top. Then layer it over the colored tank top. While being a cheap and simple costume, this one is highly likely to be recognized as Regina George.

2. Captain Underpants

Hannah Foos, freshman, dressed in a Captan Underpants costume.

I remember reading captain underpants when I was younger, so this one is a bit nostalgic for me.

All you need to recreate this is a pair of white boxers or shorts, a beige shirt and a red cape. A red blanket or towel will also work. This costume is guaranteed to get a laugh out of your friends.

3. Dancer

Isabelle Western, freshman , dressed in a dancer costume.

This one is definitely easy to recreate as long as you have a leotard, if not, even a bodysuit will work. For this one there are many different styles you can pull off. 

You’ll need a leotard, dance shoes and a dance jacket. You can also use a dress made for dancing. For an extra accessory, you can add a tutu to the leotard. For a last-minute cheap costume, this works very well considering everyone would know what your costume is.

4. Corn

Lastly, my favorite of all, we have corn. IT’S CORN.

If you can make this costume, I highly encourage you to think about this one for Halloween. It’s very likely you’ll get a few laughs as you walk around. 

All you need is a green zip up jacket, white and yellow paper and a white t-shirt. You can also add some optional straw pieces. You’ll need to crumble up a lot of paper in the shape of a ball, tape it onto your shirt, and add the green jacket on top. If you want, you can put straw pieces hanging down from the hood of your jacket.

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