I can’t believe it’s not frisbee: Come check out the new NGU disc golf course
Casey Burton, Staff Writer
North Greenville’s campus has many fun hang out spots filled with activities for students to do with friends, but the newest addition on campus is the new disc golf course.
This course is located near the athletic complex behind the softball field. It was approved and made over this past summer. The course is currently going through a process of being evaluated by students to receive feedback.
Disc golf is a sport that is growing in popularity. The sport is played very similar to the rules of golf, the objective is to throw one’s disc to the target. There is no designated number of how many of people can play at once, but the more people at one basket, the longer it will be to finish the course. There are usually nine to 18 holes. Each target is an elevated basket-like shape with an opening for the disc to fly into. As each player attempts to throw their disc into the hole, the player with the least number of throws wins. The discs are made of what can be described as a plastic frisbee.
Katherine Palm, a junior who plays disc golf was asked what her and her friends like about the sport, she said, “We love playing because it’s a fun way to get outside and spend time with one another. It is so easy to build community while playing disc golf because you can get to know one another on a deeper level while playing.”
Jared Thomas, the head of campus enhancement, was very proud to talk about the new course. Thomas described it as a highly requested addition to the campus among the students and works hard to make the finalizations of the course. The installation of the course was described as easy and not expensive. He oversees getting a club for disc golf back at North Greenville and describes his goal is to one day, “Have the club established to where we can eventually travel to other courses and have tournaments to engage the students who love to play,” said Thomas.
Thomas said, “The closest disc golf course to campus is about a half-hour drive. So having one here on campus, which will eventually be open to the public, will be a great asset to the campus life.” The course hours will be whenever the sun is up.
Thomas has put a lot of thought and consideration into the location of the course having it away from dorms and classes, so player’s discs won’t disturb or fly into an unwarranted area. Thomas also said that once everything is running, he plans to have fundraisers in hope to receive the money to supply discs to people who wish to play.