On Christmas, there are gifts a-plenty, what’s your favorite?

On Christmas, there are gifts a-plenty, what’s your favorite?

Alyssa Waller, Staff Writer and Photographer

In this “man on the street” photo blog, North Greenville students were asked to share what their favorite 2021 Christmas gift was. Below you will see a variety of gifts that belong to students from variety of majors.

Arianna Wilson, sophomore music major. Arianna loves her new laptop that she got this past Christmas.
Katherine Liederbach, musical theatre major, and Charlie Watson, psychology major. Katherine’s favorite Christmas gift was a pair of boots. A favorite gift that Liederbach’s roommate, Charlie, got was a pour over from Watson’s sister.
Lauren Quick, senior. Lauren got a VHS player from her grandparents that she really enjoys.
A favorite gift that Maria Bump, business major, got was a quote journal from her mom.
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