Grow spiritually by doing this

Grow spiritually by doing this

Nelson Shwe, Staff Writer and Graphic Artist

A new year usually means making resolutions. For college students, this could mean studying harder, making healthy choices and getting more sleep. All these goals can improve the students’ grades and health.  

What about students’ spiritual health? What can they do to improve it?

Stephen Crouse, professor of spiritual formation and ministry senior campus pastor at North Greenville University, said that students can improve their spiritual health by spending time with God and getting involved.

Crouse said, “Having quiet time with God is important.”

“Quiet time” is simply spending time with God through bible reading, prayer and worship. Crouse recommended that during bible reading students should take notes, pray through the scriptures and reflect on how the words apply to their life.

Another way that students can improve their spiritual health is not just by attending church, but by getting involved. Crouse explained that students have the option to join small groups or life groups that will allow them to have fellowship with other believers. Some churches also have ministries like children, music or outreach that students can serve with..

Crouse said people shouldn’t look at what the church can give to them, but rather how they can give to the church. Because when people serve, they become better witnesses for the community.

Joshua Gilmore, director of community connection and ministry mobilization at NGU, shares similar ideas with Crouse. Gilmore said that Bible intake, prayer and getting involved can improve students’ spiritual health. 

“Books about the Bible are great,” Gilmore said. “But it is not better than the scripture.”

One way for students to take in scriptures is through audio readings of the Bible. Gilmore said apps like The Bible Recap and StreetlightsBible combine audio reading with music to provide a better listening experience.

Prayer is another factor for improving spiritual health. Students should be accountable for praying daily. Gilmore added that praying with roommates or friends can help with accountability.

Students should have weekly accountability when it comes to church. Being actively part of a church and serving is important. Gilmore recalled how he grew up going to church on Sundays. He said he wouldn’t know what to do on a Sunday if there was no church. Serving outside the church is also important.

How students spend their summer is important. “Make your summer count,” Gilmore said. 

Students can serve and work during the summer in local camps, mission fields and internships. Being in a camp or on the mission field surrounds students with other believers where they can build friendships and learn from one another. Gilmore said that he can see the change in students that served the summer when they greet him.

Gilmore mentioned that some students say think they are not prepared to go out and serve. These students think that they should work on themselves and grow first before going out to places to work and serve. However, Gilmore disagrees. He said, “You don’t need to grow to be able to go to the places, the way you grow is to go to the places.”

So, as the new year takes off, take some time to invest in your spiritual health and watch your faith grow.

*Featured Image: Photo courtesy of Nelson Shwe.

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