NGU Students Reflect on Christmas Past
Tolli McWhite, Staff Writer
It’s the most wonderful time of the year. I asked a few students what their most memorable or favorite christmas presents were to get them in the holiday spirit.

“My most memorable Christmas gift was when I was a little girl, my parents got my a kitchen set for Christmas.” said Mosher.

“My favorite was definitely when I was a kid, I got a bow and arrow set. The funniest was a shopping cart.” said Jennings.

“My favorite gift was a pair of Jordans last year.” said Chavis.

“Defiantly my guitar I got last year, and I hope I get another one this year.” said Calcutt.

“”My favorite and most memorable gift was my first bike when I was five years old. My parents surprised me and put a big bow on it.” said Dessie.
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