Take a page from your Professors this National Author Day

Take a page from your Professors this National Author Day

Seth Atkins, Staff Photographer

Nov. 1 is National Author Day, and I have gone around campus to ask some professors or faculty their favorite authors. Some of the genres represented include fantasy, inspirational romance and science fiction. So look below to see if any of these authors interest you.

Amy  Dunlap, chair of the theatre department, holds up a book by her favorite author, C.S. Lewis. 
Bess Park, theatre professor, shows from her phone an image of “The Neuromancer” by Her favorite author, William Gibson. 
After class, I talked to Frankie Melton, Christian studies professor, and he mentioned his favorite author is Robert Caro. 
Sharon Kingsbury, the NGU campus store assistant, says Dee Henderson is her favorite author.  
Braden Hall, Director of Student Communications, named Brandon Sanderson as his favorite author.  
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