Prepare for exam week with these tips
Ariona Imel, Staff Writer
When exam week is on its way, students try to prepare themselves for that stressful time. Some students will go back and review material that was taught, create study guides from PowerPoints or create a study group. Here are some tips to help exam week go smoothly.
Create a study space
Create a space that is solely for studying; this could be in your room or even the library.
Keep any distractions out of your line of view. This could even include your phone, TV or video games. The space should allow for studying without distraction.
If you�re someone who gets distracted easily, maybe your room isn�t the best idea. Try to find a quiet, out of the way place such as the library or even an empty classroom.
Review old tests and quizzes
Reviewing old tests and quizzes can be one of the best ways to prepare the brain for what could possibly be on the final. Most Professors are glad to aide students who come with questions.
With the old tests and quizzes, it�s easy to make a practice exam full of re-worded versions of the old questions. Take a little more time on the harder questions.
This helps save the time during the exam to be able to think of the answer quickly.
Take breaks
Though it is good to take time and study, it is important to take breaks regularly. This is especially important for those studying on a computer; eyes get tired and strained from staring at the screen.
Get up, walk around, grab a snack or do some stretches. This helps give the brain some much needed rest. Go outside and take a walk around; it�s always good to make sure to get some vitamin D for the day.
Study together
Get with some friends and classmates from your class, and go over your study material together. Maybe make a game out of studying. Studying with friends can also help if you are still unsure about the material; there may be someone in the group who has the answers.
Just make sure to stay on topic. It is easy to get distracted and talk about other things when with friends.
Don�t forget to plan
Plan for exam day, check the exam schedule and make reminders and alarms to keep that schedule memorized. Be sure to not stay up the night before studying late; the body needs a good night�s sleep.
Be sure to eat a good breakfast and drink plenty of water. A hungry student isn�t a focused student. Get to exams at least ten minutes before they start.
Make sure to take your time answering each question. When finished, check over the questions and take a deep breath. Afterward, take a few moments of relaxation.