Fellowship, friendship and freshmen
Kayleigh Harrill, Staff Photographer
On Wednesday Sept. 23, freshmen of North Greenville University joined together alongside mentors for a night of fellowship, food, worship and games.
There was pizza from Nate�s and games with both freshmen and upperclassmen. The night ended with a worship service and small group discussion. Students were able to connect and to be plugged into various opportunities on campus such as Baptist Collegiate Ministry and mission opportunities.
Freshman Gracie Bowers alongside other freshmen lifting her hands in worship.
Freshmen worshipping alongside upperclassmen at Freshman Fellowship event. Many are lifting hands and bowing their heads.
Freshmen fellowshipping by playing volleyball out on the Tingle Student Center Field.
Freshmen worshipping outside Tingle Student Center. Due to COVID-19, students had to mask up but were able to read lyrics off of their phone.
From left to right: Jared Sanders, Timothy Spitzer, Brayden Smith, Jaylin Thomas, Brandon Brown, Joseph Castillo, Austin Erhardt and Trey King posing for a photo after serving their younger peers at freshman fellowship night.
Freshman and campus band member Rachel Lanter leading worship in front of her peers.
Senior Ethan Pettigrew leads a small group with freshmen. Here, they were able to learn about various ministry opportunities to plug into on campus.
From left to right: Drew Golden, Huff Campbell and Matthew Basha. They are setting an example for freshmen in that they are worshipping intentionally.
From left to right: Senior Brayden Smith, junior Drew Reynolds and senior Nicole Pollard working the sign-in table for the freshman fellowship event.