A powerful prayer
Kayleigh Harrill, Staff Photographer
A large group of North Greenville University students met before a BCM (Baptist Collegiate Ministry) service this past Thursday night outside of Turner Chapel to pray for the service and the school as a whole.
Joshua Gilmore, BCM director, along with Austin Erhardt, BCM Leadership Team member, led the prayer. Other students spontaneously prayed among the group as well.
The purpose of this ministry is to Know, Grow, and Go. The core group is intentional about praying that God will work in students� lives through the ministry so that others may be reached. They meet 30-45 minutes early every Thursday to do this.
Some North Greenville students praying outside of Turner Chapel for the BCM service.
Sophomore Chely Dickert and senior Nicole Pollard, both education majors, joined in the prayer before BCM. These two girls are heavily involved in BCM and have a heart for reaching others.
Austin Erhardt, Christian studies major, bowed in prayer. Austin leads the prayer team for BCM Leadership, and thus organizes and leads this pre-service gathering every Thursday.
Another group of BCM students outside of Turner Chapel praying before the service.
A group of girls bowed in prayer. BCM emphasizes community building, and through this event many are able to grow in their spiritual walks together.
Matthew Easler, freshman at NGU is alongside other students who are joined for prayer. The incoming freshmen have been a huge part of the BCM family over the last month.
Another group of girls joined in prayer before the BCM service.