What each Star Wars movie says about you
Bryce Faulkenberry, Staff Writer
Episode I: The Phantom Menace
This movie is loved by many and most of those people who did not grow up with the originals. If you like this movie you will be willing to defend it no matter how many people say otherwise. You still love it even though parts of the movie may not stand up to the test of time. Pod-racing must also be a hobby of yours.
Episode II: Attack of the Clones
If this movie is your favorite, then you more than likely really enjoy absolutely terrible writing. On top of the writing you must also really enjoy terrible directing with some lackluster acting. Also, you must really hate sand.
Episode III: The Revenge of the Sith
If this movie is your favorite, then you probably like movies that are looked down upon by the originals. You must also enjoy movies with darker endings where the villains end up winning. Even though the competition from this trilogy is not high you still enjoy the best movie in a series.
Episode IV: A New Hope
If the original Star Wars is your favorite, then it says that you a nostalgic person who enjoys living in the past. This is not a bad thing, it just means you enjoy thinking about the times when all the effects were practical, and this concept was completely new.
Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back
If this movie is your favorite, then you are likely a person who follows the crowd. Most of the people in existence who like Star Wars say this is their favorite. People also say this is their favorite due to the most quoted thing is pop culture history � �No, I am your father.�
Episode VI: Return of the Jedi
There are three reasons that you would enjoy this movie and it is either the fight at the end, the fight at the beginning or the Ewoks. If you do not like any of these parts of the movie then it says that another movie on this list is your favorite. Also, if you like this movie you more than likely enjoy watching how the story comes to an �end.�
Episode VII: A Force Awakens
If you enjoy this movie then you probably are newer to the Star Wars fandom and have seen A New Hope and liked it, but you really enjoyed the new special effects this movie brought. You also must enjoy some of the changes that they implemented to the universe.
Episode VIII: The Last Jedi
If this is your favorite Star Wars you are one brave soul. You must be a very confrontational person. But I must say if you enjoy this movie you are unique and do not care what others say about you or this movie and you will do anything to defend it.
Episode IX: Rise of Skywalker
If you enjoy this movie then you must have truly hated The Last Jedi. You were definitely one of the people who continued to complain about the down failings of the last movie. You must also really enjoy confusing moments that came out of absolutely nowhere. If you watched the movie you know what I am talking about. Reylo fans, we are looking at you.