An NGU improv show: From Lifetime to outhouses

An NGU improv show: From Lifetime to outhouses

Hope Graham, Staff Photographer

The NGU improv team did an improv show right after the �Miss Bennet: Christmas at Pemberley� production on Nov. 23, 2019. at 9:59 p.m. They did skits such as �The Dating Game� and the �Box of Death”.�

Freshman Lydia Kytle pays homage to the “Miss Bennet” production by introducing the improv show with some lines inspired by the production.

Freshman Lydia Kytle pays homage to the �Miss Bennet� production by introducing the improv show with some lines inspired by the production.

Avery McGrail starts the show off with a count up.

Avery McGrail starts the show off with a count up.

Peter Couchy is one of the first people to perform that night.

Peter Couchy is one of the first people to perform that night.

Junior Chase Bridges tries to impress junior Grace Bennett with smooth talk.

Junior Chase Bridges tries to impress junior Grace Bennett with smooth talk.

The NGU improv team plays the “dating” game.

The NGU improv team plays the �dating� game.

Senior Tanner Dean, freshman Caroline Crusco and junior Carson Floyd are stuck in an outhouse.

Senior Tanner Dean, freshman Caroline Crusco and junior Carson Floyd are stuck in an outhouse.

Kytle and junior Rachel Gasdia are portraying the Lifetime channel in the “Box of Death” skit.

Kytle and junior Rachel Gasdia are portraying the Lifetime channel in the �Box of Death� skit.

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