Deep Dive: Todd Prayer Chapel

Deep Dive: Todd Prayer Chapel

Anna-Claire Massey, Photographer

On the Tigerville Campus is the Todd Prayer Chapel. The Prayer Chapel is open 24/7 for students and faculty if they need somewhere to come and just pray. A giant stained glass window adorns the north wall of the chapel, as well as a waterfall that streams from the top of the rock wall. Inside the prayer chapel there are prayer benches positioned on all three sides of the chapel that are facing the north wall with the stained glass window.

The north wall with the stained glass window, as well as the rock wall with the waterfall.

The north wall with the stained glass window, as well as the rock wall with the waterfall.

The rock wall waterfall at the base of the stained glass window.

The rock wall waterfall at the base of the stained glass window.

Prayer benches, which were given in honor of Reverend Joe Hayes, Jr. by his parents Joe and Eleanor Hayes. The benches are where students can come and sit, kneel, or even lay down and pray, or even just sit there and think.

Prayer benches, which were given in honor of Reverend Joe Hayes, Jr. by his parents Joe and Eleanor Hayes. The benches are where students can come and sit, kneel, or even lay down and pray, or even just sit there and think.

The stained glass window that depicts different verses from the Bible. To the left of the stained glass window, there is a plaque depicting the different meanings and verses of some of the symbols in the stained glass.

The stained glass window that depicts different verses from the Bible. To the left of the stained glass window, there is a plaque depicting the different meanings and verses of some of the symbols in the stained glass.

The main waterfall at the top of the rock wall.

The main waterfall at the top of the rock wall.

The stained glass window and the rock wall waterfall from a different point of view.

The stained glass window and the rock wall waterfall from a different point of view.

The “Words of Encouragement” booklet, where students and faculty can find words of encouragement left by other students and faculty.

The �Words of Encouragement� booklet, where students and faculty can find words of encouragement left by other students and faculty.

A prayer request sheet where people can write down a prayer request or two and leave it on the prayer bench for others to pray over over time. Others can write words of encouragement on them or pray over them as well.

A prayer request sheet where people can write down a prayer request or two and leave it on the prayer bench for others to pray over over time. Others can write words of encouragement on them or pray over them as well.

The outside of Todd Prayer Chapel, located between the library and the Craft-Hemphill building.

The outside of Todd Prayer Chapel, located between the library and the Craft-Hemphill building.

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