Trump declares victory in Syria

Trump declares victory in Syria

Bryce Faulkenberry, Staff Writer

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On Friday, March 22, 2019, the US announced its victory in the country of Syria. Syria is a country in the Middle East that has been under the rule of the terrorist group known as ISIS.

This group is known for spreading sharia law across Syria and the Middle East. They are also known for the executions of people who believe differently then they do.

For about four years ISIS had control over Syria. On March 22, 2019, that all changed when the group was eliminated from the country for good.

This was announced by press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. She told reporters upon Air Force One that the terrorist group was 100% out of the country. Once this news broke, it was realized that this was a major victory in President Trump’s reign in office.

After the events that transpired in Syria, Trump went to Twitter to post a congratulatory tweet. Also, in this tweet, Trump said that even though the terrorist group was run out of the country there are still people there who believed in ISIS and people need to watch out. .

ISIS is still a major concern even though they were disbanded from Syria. Many people are worried there is a chance this group can move at night into Syria and finish what they started. ISIS also has many strong branches in West Africa and Afghanistan including smaller branches in Somalia and Libya.

The victory took place in the Syrian town of Hajin and has been said multiple times that this will not end the conflict and more work needs to be done to bring ISIS down.

In the days leading up to the events, Trump made numerous claims that the group would be taken out. First, on Wednesday, he said that ISIS would “be gone by tonight,” then he shared a map that had the territories in the Middle East that showed where they would be defeated.

The final attack was being planned for weeks but when it was about the happen it was postponed. The reason for this was because the civilians needed to get out of the conflict zone so no unnecessary casualties would take place. Once victorious a new phase started to try and eliminate all the terrorist groups in the Middle East.

These events are just the beginning for the fall of the terrorist group, ISIS.

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